Map and Contact

Motz GmbH
Stockacher Str. 116
78532 Tuttlingen
Tel.  +49 (0) 7461 / 163 776
Fax   +49 (0) 7461 / 796 25

Skype: christine_durkovic-motz


For delivery of materials and pickup of products, we have defiend the following time frame:

Working hours

Monday until Thursday:
07.00 a.m. to  04:30 p.m.



07.00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. nonstop


On saturdays our offices are closed

Delivery of materials and Pickup of products preferably 30 minutes before breaks and before end of working


or according to special agreement made in advance by phone to +49 - 7461 - 163 776.



Distances to the nearest airports

Contact form

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